hanks dear Estonia - on your soil I met the great writer Ulf Stark (during this fantastic festival HeadRead) - and from there I got the opportunity to translate some of his books. The most beautiful of all are, of course, The little book of love (in Dutch: Liefde is niet voor lafaards) and The Runaways, first published by Lilla Piratförlaget in Sweden (Erik Titusson).
Today it was announced that the Dutch translation of The Runaways, De weglopers, got two honorary mentions (Vlag & Wimpel) at our annual award ceremony, both for the illustrations (by the awesome Kitty Crowther) and for the text.
So: thanks jury, thanks dear Swedes, to have us translate this book, thanks Querido, who published the book in The Netherlands and Flanders, and thanks dear, dear Ulf - so lucky that I got to meet you in what later proved to be one of your last years. The Runaways is in my eternal children's book top five. And even though this award is given to you posthumously, more translations will follow!Photo Ulf Stark: Caroline Andersson