Friday afternoon, the 4th of November: that's the date for the premiere of LENA UND DAS
GEHEIMNIS DER BLAUEN HIRSCHE, a children's musical play in the Deutsche Oper in Berlin. It's music theatre, performed by a puppeteer, a singer and two musicians.
The play was written by Annechien Koerselman, and Händels music is being used, as well as new compositions by Sebastian

The play is based on the German version of my book DERTIEN
RENNENDE HERTJES (THIRTEEN RUNNING DEER). I made this book with illustrator Mattias De Leeuw and it was published by De Eenhoorn in Flanders, Belgium. The German version was translated by Rolf Erdorf and issued by Gerstenberg.
Interested in going? Look at this website for information:
the Deutsche Oper.